How I make custom terrazzo furniture for your home


Terrazzo is making a massive come back in homes everywhere. With new techniques and materials available, it’s becoming easier and cheaper to make and is wildly available. From candle holder to serving trays, you can now easily find the items that’s right for your home. But what if you’d like to go a step further and actually match the colour of your terrazzo to the colours of your interior?

Creating terrazzo tiles and trays in custom colours is something that I am asked to make regularly by my lovely customers. The process is really enjoyable and there is several ways I can go about it.

In this article, I will details my process start to finish showing you example of past projects I’ve been commissioned to do. Hopefully this will show light on my making process as well as give you new ideas for your home.

1- Working from your room colour palette

The first way I can create custom terrazzo to match your home is my working from a photo. If you send me a photo of the room you want to add your terrazzo piece to and I will create a complementary colour palette for the terrazzo bits. I will always keep you posted on the progress and check with you that you are happy with the colour scheme before making the final product.

Below, you can see me make my terrazzo bits and create the perfect colour mix for the room I’m working with.

Here are close-ups of the finish tile and plant stand. You can see I used colours that are similar to the ones present in the room but I added a few warmer tones to complement the original palette and make it brighter.

Here is a final result, with the stand in prime position in the room.

2- Working from a moodboard

Another way I can create a terrazzo palette is by working from a collection of images. This customer sent me images from pieces she loved. Some she owned, some she was hoping to purchase in the future.

From this collection of images, I created a moodboard from which I can pick a matching colour scheme.

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This video shows you how I mix my pigments to reproduce the colours palette I agreed on with my customer.

And here is the final result, with a terrazzo tile matching the colour palette exactly.


Another happy customer with a dream custom piece for their home.

3- Working from an object

Recently, one of my customers was looking to improve her outdoor space with carefully selected items. She was looking for 2 terrazzo serving trays matching a beautiful throw she had just bought.


I worked from the image above to work out the colours I needed to create to make terrazzo trays matching her existing accessory.

Mixing the terrazzo bits together is a very enjoyable process but getting the right balance of colours in the final mix is very important for a flawless result.


Unmoulding your product is so satisfying. Each tray I make is unique and this is the first time I can see the result of all my hard work.

I enjoyed working on this project very much but the best part is to see the final product in its new setting.

4- My favourite terrazzo pieces

I hope you enjoyed learning more about my process in making custom terrazzo product and that it’s giving you ideas for your home. I couldn’t leave you without sharing some of my favourite terrazzo pieces from the shop. They are all customisable so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a colour palette in mind. I’ll be very happy to help you create that perfect piece of furniture.

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